
University Research Board

The University Research Board (URB) establishes the policies and regulations that govern research activities. Responsibilities include:

  • Setting policies for the solicitation, acceptance, and administration of research grants and contracts
  • Monitoring the implementation of research policies
  • Approving requests for principal investigator status

A detailed report of the University's research activities, including sponsored research expenditures and technology transfer activities, is available. URB REPORT


Animal Research Advisory Group

The Animal Research Advisory Group (ARAG) advises the Dean for Research regarding the program of animal care. Key leaders meet with the directors of Laboratory Animal Resources and Research Integrity and Assurance to review compliance, welfare, financial, and operational matters relating to research involving the use of animals.    


Conflict of Interest in Research Panel

The Conflict of Interest in Research Panel oversees the University's processes for disclosing and addressing conflicts of interest in research. It makes determinations and recommendations concerning the management of potential conflicts of commitment, conflicts of resources, and financial conflicts of interest according to University policy and federal regulation. 



C/7 Committee

The C/7 Committee, known by its full name as the Committee on the Appointments and Advancements for the Professional Researchers and Professional Specialists, reviews the appointments and promotions of academic professionals, specifically individuals with the rank of senior research scholar, research scholar, and senior professional specialist. The Office of the Dean of the Faculty lists the rules and procedures that govern professional researchers and specialists. Responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing all positions carrying continuing appointment
  • Reviewing salaries of professional researchers and specialists
  • Advising the Dean of the Faculty on policies relating to the appointments, promotions, salaries, and terminations of professional researchers and professional specialists



Human Remains Oversight Board

The Human Remains Oversight Board (HROB) reviews proposals and makes recommendations for the University’s acquisition, use, storage, display and deaccession of human remains.  The HROB recognizes a moral and ethical responsibility to ensure that human remains under the University’s control are managed with respect and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

Please visit the Human Remains Oversight Board page for the:

  • Committee
  • HROB Application
  • Regulations and Resources
  • Meeting Schedule



Reporting to the Dean for Research

Office of the Dean for Research Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The Office of the Dean for Research Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is a standing committee that guides and oversees a living plan to ensure that our work environment is positive and welcoming, appreciative of a diverse population of staff, and sensitive to the needs of our larger campus community. The committee guides the continual development and growth of a diverse and inclusive culture in the Dean for Research unit to ensure that all personnel feel that they belong, are treated equitably, and are an integral part of the functioning of the unit. 

Visit Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Advising the Dean for Research

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ensures the appropriate care and use of animals involved in the University's research, educational, and training activities. 

Institutional Biosafety Committee

The Institutional Biosafety Committee is responsible for the review and approval of research that involves biological materials. 

Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects

The Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects (IRB) reviews research projects involving human subjects to ensure the protection of the subjects' rights, privacy, and welfare. 

Radiation Safety Committee

The Radiation Safety Committee ensures that radioactive research materials are used in a safe and responsible manner.