Jill Jahn oversees stewardship activities that help cultivate Princeton's relationships with its foundation and corporate partners. This includes drafting acknowledgement letters to select institutional donors for signature by University leadership and managing stewardship and reporting compliance efforts within the most significant foundation relationships. Jill produces the biweekly Research Funding Announcement, a curated list of funding opportunities and related alerts that is sent to all faculty and selected University staff members. She also assists the Foundation Relations and Corporate Engagement teams with various projects, publications and events.
After earning an undergraduate degree from Princeton, Jill worked for one of the assistant deans in the Graduate School before beginning a career in non-profit development at Princeton. She subsequently worked for George Washington University, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The Pingry School before returning to Princeton in 1998 to join CEFR. Jill served on the board of the nonprofit Princeton Adult School for twelve years.