Download a copy of the PI Qualification Chart by Rank (PDF).
Rank | Qualifies as Principal Investigator PI/co-PI | Requires Approval for Each Proposal |
President and Academic Officers | X | |
Professor | X | |
Associate Professor | X | |
Assistant Professor | X | |
University Lecturer (full-time only) | X | |
Professor of the Practice | X | |
Lecturer with rank of Professor (full-time only) | X | |
Senior Lecturer (full-time only) | X | |
Lecturer (full-time only) | X | |
Instructor (full-time only) | X | |
Senior Scholar | X | |
Visiting faculty ranks |
| X (1) |
Professional Research Staff – CAMPUS | ||
Senior Research Scholar _____ (by discipline, i.e. Chemist, Engineer, Physicist, etc.) | X | |
Research Scholar/Research ____(by discipline, i.e. Chemist, Engineer, Physicist, etc.) | X | |
Senior Academic Research Manager | X | |
Academic Research Manager | X (co-PI only) | |
Associate Research Scholars (2) | X (2) | |
Professional Research Staff – PPPL | ||
Principal Research Physicist, Senior Managing | X | |
Principal Research Physicist, Managing | X | |
Principal Research Physicist | X | |
Research Physicist | X | |
All other research staff ranks–Campus or PPPL | X | |
Visiting Professional Research Staff | X | |
Senior Managing Engineer | X | |
Managing Engineer | X | |
Principal Engineer | X | |
Senior Engineer | X | |
Senior Professional Specialist | X |
All other tech. staff ranks – Campus or PPPL | X | |
Dean of Libraries | X | |
Deputy Dean of Libraries | X | |
Associate University Librarian or Associate Dean | X | |
Associate University Librarian without continuing appointment | X | |
Senior Librarian | X | |
Librarian III | X | |
Librarian with continuing appointment | X | |
Librarian without continuing appointment | X (co-PI only) | |
Associate Librarian | X (co-PI only) | |
All other Librarian Staff Ranks | X | |
(1) Note that visitors, including visiting faculty, are not eligible to be PI’s at Princeton except in extraordinary circumstances with explicit approval by the Dean for Research. Such approval should typically be requested at least a month in advance. | ||
(2) If graduate students are involved in the project, a faculty member or other individual authorized to supervise graduate students must fulfill the appropriate advising responsibilities. The submitting department is obligated to assure compliance with this policy. | ||
(3) All eligible Librarians must first receive approval from the Dean of Libraries and the head of their library division to serve as a PI or co-PI on a funding proposal. | ||
Revised October 2024 |