Inappropriate Foreign Influence
Recognizing the need to balance concerns over security threats posed by inappropriate foreign influence with the University's core values of openness, respect and inclusion, the University has issued a set of guiding principles designed to inform the development of policies for ensuring research security. These guiding principles serve to ensure that the University meets its obligations to sponsoring agencies and the government while maintaining the values that define Princeton as a research and teaching community.
Export Controls
The export controls program provides guidance and expertise to researchers who may have access to equipment, technology, data, or information subject to federal export control regulations, including assistance with classification of controlled items, deemed exports, foreign travel issues, obtaining export licenses, activities involving sanctioned countries, and understanding the fundamental research exclusion. The Office of Research and Project Administration provides support and services to assist researchers in this area.
Laboratory Safety
The laboratory safety program works to minimize the risk of injury or illness by ensuring appropriate training, information, support, and equipment for researchers. The program managed by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety includes Chemical Safety, Animal Research Health and Safety, Biological Safety, Radiation Safety, Field Research, Sustainability and Research Waste Management.
Human Subjects
The human research protection program protects the rights, privacy, and welfare of human participants in research conducted by Princeton University faculty, staff, and students. The program provides oversight, clarification, guidance, and training for researchers in all disciplines through the office of Research Integrity and Assurance. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all research involving human participants. Forms, guidance, and research protocols are managed with the electronic management database e-RIA.
The biological safety program promotes safe laboratory practices, procedures, and proper use of containment equipment and facilities to prevent occupationally-acquired infections or release of organisms to the environment. Biological agents include recombinant DNA molecules, infectious and potentially infectious agents, human and non-human primate materials, and biological toxins. The program provides instruction and training, conducts routine inspections, investigates accidents and recommends preventive/corrective actions, reviews animal research protocols involving hazardous materials, reviews construction design for safety features, and responds to emergencies.
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety provides program management and guidance and Research Integrity and Assurance administers the Institutional Biosafety Committee. The committee reviews research protocols involving the use of biological agents. Safety, health, inspection, and equipment records are managed with the electronic management database SHIELD.
Animal Care and Use
The animal care and use program ensures the care and welfare of animals in research and education by providing policies, standards, training, animal care, and support necessary for faculty, students, and staff to conduct research in a humane manner and in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and University regulations. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) supervises, coordinates, and reviews projects proposed to include the use of vertebrate animals. Research Integrity and Assurance administers the committee. Laboratory Animal Resources provides animal husbandry, veterinary care, and research support. Environmental Health and Safety provides safety guidance for individuals working with animals.
Radiation Safety
The radiation safety program provides guidance and oversight to users of radiation-producing devices, radioactive material, and nonionizing radiation, including sources of ultraviolet, magnetic, microwave, and radiofrequency fields. Environmental Health and Safety provides safety guidance for individuals working with radiation.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
The small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) program provides guidance and oversight to students, faculty, staff, and contractors seeking to fly unmanned aircraft, also known as drones, model airplanes, or remote-control aircraft, on campus or as part of a University-supported activity beyond campus. The program covers educational, business, and recreational uses.
Sponsored Research Compliance
The Sponsored Research Operational Compliance Matrix is a tool created in partnership with the University’s Office of Audit and Compliance. The compliance matrices are a resource for faculty and staff to assist in making the University’s compliance obligations more understandable. The Sponsored Research Operational Compliance Matrix includes the Office of Research Project Administration, Research Integrity and Assurance and Sponsored Research Accounting.
Human Remains Oversight
The Human Remains Oversight Board (HROB) is responsible for providing guidance and oversight for research, educational, and training activities involving human remains, as defined by University policy. The HROB recognizes a moral and ethical responsibility to ensure that human remains are managed appropriately and functions in a manner consistent with applicable policies, laws, and regulations, including the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). All members of the University community, including students, must obtain approval from the HROB before initiating any University activities involving human remains. The HROB reviews proposals and makes recommendations for the University’s acquisition, usage, storage, display and deaccession of human remains; and maintains a register of human remains in the possession of the University or used under the auspices of the University.
University-Wide Policies
The University maintains a central repository of policies that govern University activities in support of its core teaching and research mission. This website, although not a comprehensive inventory of all policies, rules, or regulations, lists the policy libraries of many campus offices including several of those that oversee research activities.