
Responsible Conduct of Research

Instruction in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) is provided proactively to all graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other researchers in the social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering as an element of their education. Training is required for researchers conducting work on certain federally sponsored research awards. Discipline-specific courses, workshops, and online training are available through each department, covering topics such as conflicts of interest and commitment, research misconduct, publication practices and responsible authorship, peer review, collaborative research, mentor and student/trainee rights and responsibilities, animal welfare, human subjects, science in society, and safe laboratory practices.


Financial Conflict of Interest in Research

Conflicts of interest in research and teaching activities may be present when financial interests directly affect, or could appear to affect, the professional judgment of faculty, academic professionals and professional librarians. The design, conduct, and reporting of research and teaching activities must be free from bias resulting from an individual’s financial conflicts of interest. The University provides individuals with training resources and forms for reporting significant financial interests. University policy and procedures are designed to increase accountability, add transparency, and provide effective institutional management of financial conflicts of interest.


Research Misconduct

Misconduct in research includes, but is not limited to, fabrication or falsification of data, plagiarism, interference with the integrity of the work of others, or misappropriation of the ideas of others in the proposing, conducting and reporting of research. Members of the research community have a responsibility to report serious indications of misconduct in research. The University has policies and procedures for dealing with possible incidents of misconduct, including reporting requirements related to any relevant federal regulations.


University Hotline

The University uses EthicsPoint, an independent provider of hotline services, to provide a simple and anonymous way to report good faith concerns.  Examples of the types or reports include possible noncompliance with government regulations or University policy or errors in financial practices and unethical behavior.  EthicsPoint is multi-lingual, available 24/7 online or via telephone.  Reporting concerns is a service to the University and no retaliation is permitted against those who file good faith reports.