Facilities and Support

Core Facilities

Core facilities provide researchers with access to instruments, services, technical expertise, and training that typically go beyond the capabilities of individual laboratories. These facilities may have participation requirements for campus researchers or researchers at other institutions and organizations. Some are supported by individual departments, specific grants, or groups of investigators, and may also be available to the broader community when capacity permits, or on a collaborative basis. 



Princeton University’s libraries provide resources for scholarly research including an extensive collection of books, rare books and special collections, manuscripts, journals, theses, electronic publications, digital maps, and archival records. Research guides, consultations with subject specialists, scholarly communication services, and data and statistical services are available.  


Research Computing

Princeton offers researchers in all disciplines access to a centralized infrastructure that includes computational and visualization hardware, research software, server hosting facilities, and system administration of large and small computational clusters. Services include training, technical support, programming, visualization and geospatial analysis, Globus data transfers, and proposal development related to equipment acquisition. The Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE) and the Office of Information Technology (OIT) work together to provide the computational and digital data infrastructure for Princeton's faculty, staff researchers, and students.


Data Management

Research data management services help researchers plan, store, and share data. The team helps researchers create data management plans for grant applications, identify appropriate data repositories, understand repository requirements, and deposit data into Princeton's data repository, DataSpace. The scholarly communications office provides services for preserving and sharing other forms of scholarship in addition to data management. 


Information Security

Information security services are available to assist researchers with data and systems protection, working with confidential or restricted data, encryption guidance, file sharing, international travel consultation, and vulnerability assessment through the Information Security Office.


Institutional Research

The Institutional Review Panel for the use of Administrative Data in Research (PADR) facilitates access to administrative data maintained by Princeton University for use in research. The Office of Institutional Research supports researchers and research data requests that seek to improve the quality of, and access to, Princeton’s educational offerings or that addresses issues in the higher-education sector more broadly.