Collaborative Federal Proposals

We offer specialized services for proposals in support of collaborative projects for centers and institutes, training grants, equipment grants, as well as initiatives that advance strategic priorities, such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, and other projects that cross disciplinary and institutional categories. These proposals are often highly competitive and complex. Support is available to lower the barrier to tackling them. Our team can provide project management support, professional writing of key proposal elements, and expert guidance throughout the entire proposal development process.

Researchers and teams seeking support are encouraged to reach out to Research Development Strategist Mary Sym.



Strategy & Planning

  • Brainstorm projects, initiatives
  • Build interdisciplinary teams
  • Identify funding mechanisms
  • Research competitive intelligence
  • Connect with campus partners
  • Engage program officers


Proposal Development

  • Develop timeline, action plans
  • Facilitate team communications
  • Develop/edit research narrative for responsiveness to the call
  • Write/edit non-technical components (project management, training, education, outreach, facilities, diversity & inclusion)
  • Create figures and tables
  • Review entire submission for clarity, consistency and persuasiveness


  • Analyze review feedback
  • Assist with site visit preparation
  • Brainstorm approaches for resubmission
  • Identify alternative funding mechanisms

Examples of collaborative funding programs and mechanisms:

NSF logo

National Science Foundation

•Engineering Research Centers

•Science and Technology Centers

•Materials Research Science & Engineering Centers

•Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Institutes


•Innovation Corps (I-Corps)

•Mid-scale Research Infrastructure

•National Artifiical Intelligence Research Institutes

•Research Coordination Networks

•NSF Research Traineeships

•Major Research Instrumentation

•Research Experiences for Undergraduates

NIH logo
National Institutes of Health

•P01 Research Program Project Grants

•P20 Exploratory Grants

•P30 Center Core Grants

•P50 Specialized Centers

•U01, U19, U54 Research-focused Cooperative Agreements

•S10 Shared Instrumentation Grants

•T32 Institutional Training Grants

DOE logo
US Department of Energy

•Energy Frontier Research Centers

•National Quantum Information Science Research Centers

•Connected Communities


DOD logo
US Department of Defense

•Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives

•Minerva Research Initiative

NEH logo
National Endowment for the Humanities

•Collaborative Research Grants

•Scholarly Editions and Scholarly Translations

•NEH/AHRC New Directions for Digital Scholarship in Cultural Institutions

•Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

•Public Humanities Projects

•Dynamic Language Infrastructure – Documenting Endangered Languages Senior Research Grants


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