Before you know it, it will be time to aspire to earn one or more of the prestigious early career awards from federal agencies or private foundations. Faculty members seeking funding and honorific awards will benefit from thinking early about what makes for a competitive proposal or nomination. This session will provide advice and guidance on finding opportunities, preparing applications, obtaining nominations, and where to find support along the way.
- Federal agencies
- Foundations
- Finding opportunities
- Honorific awards
- Timelines
- Nominations
Presentation materials
- Early Career Awards Presentation (download as .pdf)
- Early Career Awards List for Faculty (download as .pdf)
Combined Session
Date: December 5, 2019, 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., lunch will be served
Location: the Great Room, 91 Prospect Avenue
Moderator: Coleen Burrus, Director, Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations
Additional participants:
- Elizabeth Adams, Director, Office of Research and Project Administration
- Abby Doyle, A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Chemistry
- Karla Ewalt, Associate Dean for Research
- Kelly Freidenfelds, Senior Associate Director, Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations
- Janet Gruschow, Department Manager, Chemistry
- Mona Hall, Grants Manager, Office of Research and Project Administration
- Michael Hodges, Associate Director, Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations
- Meredith Martin, Associate Professor of English
- Jake Shapiro, Professor of Politics and International Affairs
- Cassie Stoddard, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Maureen Thompson-Siegel, Senior Grant and Contract Administrator, Office of Research and Project Administration