Kick off the new academic year at a welcoming event hosted by the office of the Dean for Research and meet the new Dean for Research, Peter Schiffer. The primary goals of this session of the Faculty Research Forum are to celebrate the beginning of a new year and meet faculty peers and research administrators who will be part of your support network throughout your career. This networking event will foster personal connections, a hallmark of Princeton University’s campus community.
The mission of the Dean for Research and the offices that report to the Dean are to support the University's research community and enable Princeton's scholars to do their best work. In particular, the University research administration is dedicated to:
- Helping faculty compete effectively for research funding and assisting with the establishment of new partnerships
- Providing resources to enable innovation and exploration of new concepts and ideas
- Enabling the transfer of Princeton discoveries to benefit society and protecting University intellectual property rights
- Setting policies and shaping the University’s research agenda
- Providing administrative management and subject-matter expertise to ensure that research is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, and in compliance with applicable University policies and federal, state, and local regulations
Session Details
Assistant professors new to Princeton University will be invited by email to register. Register here
When: Friday, September 29, 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (buffet lunch included)
Where: Julis Romo Rabinowitz, room 399
Moderator: Karla Ewalt, Senior Associate Dean for Research
Featured attendees:
- Peter Schiffer, Dean for Research
- Craig Arnold, Vice Dean for Innovation
- Elizabeth Adams, Executive Director, Office of Research and Project Administration
- Coleen Burrus, Executive Director, Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations
- Laura Conour, Executive Director, Laboratory Animal Resources
- Sheera Gaskin, Director, Research Integrity and Assurance
- Stuart Leland, Director, Strategic Projects
- Anne-Marie Maman, Executive Director, Princeton Entrepreneurship Council
- John Ritter, Executive Director, Office of Technology Licensing