To: Chairs and Directors
From: Peter Schiffer, Dean for Research
Subject: We want your opinion on the future of computing for research at Princeton
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 10:40 AM
Note: This message is being sent to chairs and directors. As appropriate to their interests, please share with faculty and other researchers in your unit or department.
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to ask your help in planning Princeton’s approach to supporting computing for research. As we are all aware, computational approaches and access to computing are becoming increasingly important to many areas of research. This trend has been accelerated by recent rapid advances in artificial intelligence and the use of large data sets.
As we look to the future, Princeton will need to address fundamental questions regarding how the University enables computational approaches to research. To help us evaluate focus areas and steer future investments in Princeton’s support for computing for research, Provost Jen Rexford has convened a Computing for Research Planning Group. The charge and membership of the Planning Group is attached.
The Planning Group is requesting your input through a short survey. Given the importance of computing to research, broad input will be particularly valuable.
We appreciate your input and look forward to incorporating your feedback into the resulting Planning Group recommendations. Naturally, you should also feel free to talk with any of the members of the Planning Group.
Best regards,
Peter Schiffer
Dean for Research
Vice President for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Class of 1909 Professor of Physics
Princeton University